
Condominium Forms Concepts and Issues

Read top focus with Realtors in this general article including: Condominium Forms Concepts and Issues Common Elements Declarant Unit Limited Common Elements Percentage Interests Association and more These are historic documents and are for educational use only. Nobody should consider these documents as advice of any kind. As always, the...

Real Estate Moves – October 2019

Discover the latest real estate market trends and news from your local real estate expert(s). About Me |Property Search|MAPIt Search |Contact Me|What’s Your Home Worth? Scott Roh ABR, CRS, GRI, Relocation Specialist, Commercial Specialist, Licensed 1998 Mobile: 920-707-0122, rohs@firstweber.com scottroh.firstweber.com Fall into the move you’ve been waiting to make. Now’s the time!...

HUD to Adopt New Condo Rules

August 14, 2019The Department of Housing and Urban Development is expected to release updated guidance Thursday on condominium financing insured by the Federal Housing Administration, a move designed to help more would-be buyers become eligible for a mortgage. Specifically, the new rules will:Extend FHA certifications on condo developments from two...