
Real Estate Moves – October 2019

Discover the latest real estate market trends and news from your local real estate expert(s). About Me |Property Search|MAPIt Search |Contact Me|What’s Your Home Worth? Scott Roh ABR, CRS, GRI, Relocation Specialist, Commercial Specialist, Licensed 1998 Mobile: 920-707-0122, rohs@firstweber.com scottroh.firstweber.com Fall into the move you’ve been waiting to make. Now’s the time!...

Should You Buy or Sell First?

To buy or to sell your Wisconsin home or condo first? That is the question. At least it’s one of the questions we get asked most often when we meet with prospective Buyers and Sellers. Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy answer, and there certainly isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer. Here’s a look...

Market Evaluation

The question most frequently answered by our representatives is "Can you tell me what my home is worth?" We can help! We will provide a Comparative Market Analysis of your property at no charge, no obligation.  See below with the ways we can help. Additionally, you can also start our...

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