
Buying - Do you have a plan?

Or will you just be letting anyone write your offer up?
"Be Confident"
Q – Are you hiring an agent, or hoping to get lucky with the one that is representing the seller, who could be a family member or friend?
Interview us – We want to hear your goals and give introductory advice based on our 20+ years of experience.

Is it your first condo or home in Appleton, Green Bay, Fond du Lac, Madison, Milwaukee, Oshkosh, or Neenah…or are you making a change from one to another?  Although it’s easier to buy without a home to sell first, we know the steps to make it happen more smoothly.  Our experience in helping Wisconsin buyers and sellers is since 1998.  If you have a home to sell first we’ve done this before, and our experience can help you best.

NOTE: In Wisconsin agents should disclose if they are a family member to the Seller. They do not have to disclose if they are friends or if household members are employed with/by each other.

If you are bouncing between agents that stand within each different home that can be risky. Conflicts of interest can be perceived and real.  Yes, the agent could be financially motivated to make a deal between both buyer and seller, but is that best? In Wisconsin an agent working both sides owes honesty to both sides, but by contract they are usually also looking to get the best terms for the Seller. It is likely a fiduciary responsibility of the listing contract.

In between viewing and buying there are decisions such as:
1) cash, bridge-loan, or 1st mortgage questions
2) home inspections questions
3) radon and testing questions
4) not to mention how these are handled in negotiations

We work with sellers and buyers and are familiar with these things since 1998. As your agent we can help represent your goals be reached.   When working for the Seller, we work for the Seller. When working with a Buyer we can be contracted  as a buyer’s agent, putting your interests first.

If not retired, and moving in with a local employer, know that our company works with most EVERY national relocation plan. Have confidence that you can interview us to help with your relocation needs. Get an idea of what we know and how we talk. This is likely the biggest investment you will make. Don’t just be assigned a Realtor, and start with someone you don’t know. Interview us and be confident in your choice. We are happy to be interviewed in a non committal meeting at our office or elsewhere.


The Process

“Get Pre-approved.  Its fun looking at homes, but when it’s time to buy, add focus by learning what you want to spend with a reputable and local lender.” 

“A home purchase is usually the most expensive item one purchases in their lifetime.  Will you be sure the person you are working with has the experience to handle your goals?”

If not being referred to by a friend or family member, attending open houses and watching a Realtor can be one way to pre-interview an agent that can help with your goals. With them learn how the MLS and Internet will likely be at least 70% of the reason you find your new home.” 


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