Empower yourself with more data history.  Maybe request:
  1. History for past 10 years within the MLS for ‘XYZ Association’ in Green Bay
  2. History in MLS for a specific property
  3. What condo Association documents are being provided by Seller at this time
  4. (insert your own request)

    Please fill in the information below and we will process your request within 1 business day.

    Price History for Condo or Home LocationWatch a Specific PropertyMLS History

    This is a free service that may be canceled by either party at any time.

    Note: We do not sell search criteria and/or contact information. If you are a 3rd party re-seller of data the service here is not allowed. Only non commercial use of this service is permissible by the subscriber. At this time only 2 searches allowed per IP address is allowed.